Samantha Barendson

She is a French, Italian and Argentinian poet. She was born in 1976 in Spain, grew up Mexico and finally settled in France.

As a poet and novelist, she especially enjoys working with other artists, poets, painters, photographers, or musicians.

She is a member of various collectives: Le syndicat des poètes qui vont mourir un jour (The union of poets who will die someday) whose purpose is to promote poetry for everyone and everywhere; Le cercle de la maison close (The whorehouse society) which offers performances combining poetry, music, and visual arts; and On se (re)voit très vite (Let's (re)meet soon), a concept of unique and performative poetry evenings. Since 2016, Samantha has been selected by the Versopolis project to attend several festivals across Europe. Laureate of the 2015 René Leynaud poetry prize "Emergence & resistance", she received in 2018 the Gina Chenouard creation grant from the Société de gens de lettres. In 2019, she obtained a writing residency at the Villa Marguerite Yourcenar.



Virgule, Éditions de l’Attente, 2023

Mon citronnier, Jean-Claude Lattès, 2017



50, with Estelle Fenzy, La Boucherie littéraire, 2022

Americans don’t walk / Les Américains ne marchent pas, Le chat polaire, 2021

Alto mare, La passe du vent, 2019

Tu m’aimes-tu ?, Le chat polaire, 2019

Machine arrière, La passe du vent, 2017

Le citronnier, Le pédalo ivre, 2014 Prix de poésie René Leynaud 2015

Le poème commun, avec Jean de Breyne, Collection Duo, Lieux-Dits, 2012

Des coquelicots / Amapolas, Pré # carré, 2011

Les délits du corps / Los delitos del cuerpo, Christophe Chomant éditeur, 2011

