Péter Závada

- Hungary -

Péter Závada was born in 1982, he is a poet, playwright, translator, musician, PhD student in ELTE’s Esthetics Doctoral Programme. He published his first poems in Jelenkor, since then he’s been publishing continuosly.  His poems appeared in such literary journals as Élet és Irodalom, Jelenkor, Alföld, Holmi, Műút, Tiszatáj, Kulter, Szifonline, Irodalmi Szemle, Eső, Ex Symposion, Pannonhalmi Szemle, Zempléni Múzsa, Szkholion, Bárka and Helikon. Translations of his poems were published in several international literary anthologies and papers such as Cordite Poetry Review or Modern Poetry in Translation. He also know from the hip-hop and slam poetry scene of Hungary by his bands Akkezdet Phiai and trAnzKaPHka. Since 2010 he has worked as a theatre dramaturg and playwright, and took part in the production of more than 30 theatre performances to this day.

“(...) the author leaves his poetics behind, and with his new tone and reimagined engagement, he moves from the narrow pop-authorial reference ensemble “over-connoted” by slam and hip-hop to the most oxygen-deprived ridges of conceptual high poetry.” –Soma Csete: A felhám apoteózisa —Hozzászólás Závada Péter kötetéhez (The apotheosis of the epidermis — Commentary to Péter Závada’s collection of poems) 2. Műút, 15 May 2018


“The coherent and intellectual language of Péter Závada’s book of verses, in addition to aspiring to construct new worlds, does so by also addressing a poetic tradition that does not belong to the immediate predecessors; the language of the poems in the volume is not akin to the dominant lyrical styles of expression of the 2000s or 1990s, but rather enters into dialogue with the most significant works of modern and late modern poetry.” –Gergő Balogh, Beköltözni a zuhanásba (Moving into the downfall), Alföld, 2018/1


“The volumes are apparently both a conscious construction and a complete new beginning; they can be considered as new stages in an organic process, but at the same time they are also a kind of definite break with the existing corpus.” –Balázs Kerber, Testföldrajz (Body geography), Műút, 3 April 2018 


“Lest we be deceived: Závada, though increasingly skilful, is still only pulling the strings of poetry's antechamber before our eyes.”- Soma Csete: A felhám apoteózisa — Hozzászólás Závada Péter kötetéhez (The apotheosis of the epidermis — Commentary to Péter Závada’s collection of poems) 2. Műút, 15 May 2018


“The virtue of Péter Závada’s new volume is the thoughtful and imaginative intellectual background and the powerfully created atmosphere, but sometimes it is the overabundance or over-consistency of this atmosphere that is the source of the problems.” - Balázs Kerber: Testföldrajz (Body geography), Műút, 3 April 2018


Gondoskodás is a volume detailed with a rich semantic-poetic synthesis, transparent in its construction, with repeated poetic forms manifested in the “process of drawing”.” - Enikő Anna Ágoston: „ahol a geometria esemény” (“where geometry is an event”), Műút, 28 June 2022

“(...) one of the most attractive features of Roncs szélárnyékban is the philosophical attitude combined with the imaginative, the joy of landscapes, imagery and mosaics. The repetition and constant redefinition of visual motifs also render the poems part of a great movement, a great ordering, which ensures the possibility of multiple, reinterpretative receptions.” - Balázs Kerber: Testföldrajz (Body geography), Műút, 3 April 2018


“But does this intricate hydrography and design of flow-throughs, overflows and crossings show a pattern? Does following and unravelling the nodes and threads of the conceptual web bring the reader closer to some kind of solution, or does it create a labyrinth in which one can only wander, not exit?” - László Sinkovicz: Nyelváramlás, szövegtektonika (Language flow, text tectonics), Műút, 17 May 2018


Roncs szélárnyékban  reaches back to the poetic language of Újhold (New Moon), tabooed in the 2000s, to renew contemporary discourse with certain elements. And the epistemological orientation of the volume does not imply metaphorical representations with closed structures, but recalls the techniques of surrealism in the organisation of images.”- Georgina Kiss, Aspektusok és hiátusok — Hozzászólás Závada Péter kötetéhez (Aspects and hiatuses – Commentary to Péter Závada’s collection of poems) 4. Műút, 22 May 2018

Roncs szélárnyékban, while constantly foregrounding its impressive poetic-rhetorical layering, also asserts a powerful thematic-conceptual dimension: its central theme is the human cognition.”- Gergő Balogh, Beköltözni a zuhanásba (Moving into the downfall), Alföld, 2018/1.


“The difficulty of empathising with such texts is subjective and depends on the reader. However, despite their difficulty, the poems remain clearly universal.”- Attila Papp, A távollét kegyelme (The grace of absence), Bárka 2022/2


“Péter Závada’s Gondoskodás is one of the most exciting pieces of contemporary lyric poetry due to its autonomy of perspective, linguistic and intellectual complexity, and captivating sensitivity. I can only recommend it.” –Gergő Balogh, Mintha egy őszi szó lennék az igazságra (As if I were an autumn word for truth), Alföld, 2022/4.