André Osório
- Portugal -
André Osório was born in Portugal, Lisbon, in 1998. He graduated in Portuguese Studies in the Nova University of Lisbon ̶ Faculty of Human and Social Sciences and is taking by the moment a master’s in Literary Theory, in the University of Lisbon ̶ Faculty of Arts and Humanities. He has poetry published in literary magazines like Folhas, Letras & Outros Ofícios (Aveiro), the online edition of Porridge Magazine (London), Palavra Comum (Galicia), Apócrifa and Lote (Lisbon), of which he is one of the co-founders and directors, with the first number focusing on poetry and the second with poetry and essay. In August 2020, he published his first poetry collection called Observação da Gravidade (Observing Gravity).
André Osório was born in the capital of Portugal, Lisbon, in 1998. He attended Colégio Moderno High School in Lisbon, Humanities, where he participated in Maria Barroso Poetry group assembled by the poet António Carlos Cortez, reading poetry at places like the National Centre for Culture and the Lisbon Book Fair in 2016. That same year he entered in the New University of Lisbon’s Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, in the Portuguese Studies course. In 2018, he published his first poem in the eight number of Apócrifa literary magazine, of which he did revision work. He participated that year in the Portuguese PEN Club Worldwide Reading event regarding the death of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi and celebrating the seventieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. A year after, he co-founds and directs the literary magazine Lote (which is, in the present time, developing its third number) and contributes for other literary magazines: Folhas, Letras & Outros Ofícios (Aveiro), the online version of Porridge Magazine (London), Palavra Comum (Galicia), while taking a semester in King’s College London. In August 2020, he publishes his first collection of poems, Observação da Gravidade (Observing Gravity). That same year he participated in Anúbis magazine and started a master’s in Literary Theory in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities in the University of Lisbon.
André Osório’s work might be described as a superposition between familiar elements and ones by which those are disturbed. In it, the sense of time is captured as an overlaying presence, conjuring past experiences ̶ inherently poetic or fictitious ̶ , with the present tense in which they are subdued as a cracking absence, although material. “His poetric cartography roams multiple scenarios in a revisitation of those places that are references to the construction of his personality and literary creation. Space, time and memory align in a sensorial cartography, as from a sharp sensibility and nostalgia that rummage the domestic spaces, from which reverbs an ample field of personal and literary references (…) Between longer poems and verses opting in an economy of means, André Osório’s poetry builds itself from quotidian images and explores an imaginarium that flirts with other artistic fields (like music, cinema, plastic arts). Diaphanous, the language he drinks from those several esthetic fountains spreads itself in an intertextuality, evidence of his reading repertoire as much literary as of the world, at the same time as it shows an equilibrium between form and content, the presence of harmony and rhythm in the hybrid poetic construction, by all angles with rigorous structuration, thematic density and verbal crystallinity” (in “Inventário de um Desassossego”, Ronaldo Cagiano in Journal of Literature of Rio de Janeiro, December 2020). In André Osório’s poetry “to look is a way of understanding the weight of things and to exceed it” (“A whole year looking for answers in books: this are the 45 we liked to read the most in 2020”, Nuno Costa Santos in online journal Observador, January 2020).
Translated by the author
Imitation of Life / The Imitation of Life
Passage / Passagem
Recess / Recreio
Infinitives / Infinitivos
Auschwitz / Auschwitz
/ (Untitled)
Letter Writing / Correspondência
/ (Untitled)
Map / Mapa
Poem I / Poema I
Poetics / Arte Poética
O. G. / O. G.
Humus / Húmus
Ouroboros in Water Bath / Ouroboros em Banho Maria
/ (Untitled)
Fruit / Fruto
Why Take Off The Ground? / Why take off the ground?
L’année dernière à (…) / L’année dernière à (…)
Ball Night / Noite de Baile