Ana Dragu
- Romania -
Ana Dragu was born in Bistriţa on November 13, 1976. She published the poetry collections Grass for Beasts / Iarbă pentru fiare (Charmides, 2004), The Wax Doll / Păpuşa de ceară (Charmides, 2008), The Guardian Woman / Păzitoarea (Charmides, 2012), and Borderline (Charmides, 2017). She has also published a widely appraised non-fiction book based on her experience as a mother of an autistic child, Mâini cuminți. Copilul meu autist / Well-Behaved Hands. My Autistic Child. She is the founder and director of “The Little Prince Center of Resources and Reference for Autism” in Bistrița.
All her poems are from the volume Borderline, Charmides, Bistrița, 2017.
March 8 and March 7 and always / 8 martie și 7 martie și mereu
family council / consiliu de familie
Sadder than a handbook / Mai tristă decât un manual
Above us the hurricane / Deasupra noastră uraganul
the first frames of a movie about silence / primele cadre dintr-un film despre linişte
the second frame from a movie about silence / al doilea cadru dintr-un film despre liniște
2014-02-07 00:21 GMT+02:00 / 2014-02-07 00:21 GMT+02:00