Exitirion: Creative Writing and Magazine

Exitirion is a birthplace of experiential writing courses in Larissa by Sotirios Pastakas; it was demanded by the students. Thus, it is a site created solely out of the love of many people for Literature. A place to share our discoveries and writings, always keeping in mind the words of Kostas Ritsonis that ‘we are just the pebbles on which the feet of great writers tread.’


Exitirion was born as an extension of experiential writing courses and it is logical to keep its ‘didactic’ character with its various columns. Exitirion is an open source digital publisher and literature magazine in Greece. In our fifth year we have an active engagement in presenting poetry, literature, e-books foremost in Greek. Nevertheless, we are also engaged through various collaborations with Italian poets and digital magazines: Inverso – Giornale di poesia, in presenting translated Italian poetry in Greek and vice versa. Currently we are presenting in collaboration with World Poetry Monement | Greece an anthology of contemporary Hispano-American poetry, transl. by Stavros Girgenis – according to Sotirios Pastakas.


Video playlist of poetry readings in collaboration with Inverso – Giornale di poesia, Italian poets and Greek poets.


Video playlist of poetry readings in collaboration in collaboration with World Poetry Movement | Greece.