Mostra de Artes da Palavra and A Palavra
International, multidisciplinary and participatory festival, with shows and events of different typologies, but always with POETRY and WORD as thematic axes.
It intends to have a very contemporary view on the crossings of the word with other artistic disciplines.
Program areas that include: Spoken Word (music and poetry), Singers, Performance Poetics (Poetry Slam, Declamation, Rap and Hip-Hop), Staged Readings, Theater Performances, Dance, Cinema (Video), Independent Edition Fair, complemented by a set of Debates, Conversations, Conferences and Workshops among other initiatives. It is intended participation of local cultural associations and the general population in some activities structuring of the project.
"A PALAVRA" Associação cultural
"A Palavra" is a non-profit cultural association dedicated to the promotion, production and edition of cultural products related to the Word in all its artistic dimensions, always with the aim of strengthening and dynamizing culture in Portugal.