Who are the poets from the periphery? On the margins of the European Union there are poems and poets that dilute the borders of the word. Strange and unknown languages for most Europeans, which bring us a musicality that is strange, but also that enters. Poets who speak to us of the urgency of a brave new world in which the Word is at the center of relations between peoples, establishing bonds and emotions between humans. A world where the Word is sovereign and the strongest bridge builder between cultures. A world in which Poetry is the Logos, the symbol, the reason, the action and the knowledge. The brave world of the Word.
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Nuno Piteira was co-coordinator of the International Festival of Poetry and Performance - Portugal Slam (2014/2017), developing activities ranging from workshops and performances and events to spread the taste for reading and reciting poetry in Portuguese, winner of the European Championship from Poetry Slam in Estonia (2015/2016), participates in translation residencies between Frisian and Portuguese. In parallel, he has been the founder of Poetry Slam Amadora since 2014. Organizes poetry slam events nationwide and makes performances using video and music. Performs pieces in visual arts and visual poetry covering the various aspects that poetry and art can have. He participated in several poetry events in several countries: Estonia, Holland, England, France, Belgium and Brazil.
I am Cristovam Duarte, a sailor stranded in a safe port in the west of Portugal with 64 years of age, living in the 4 corners and seven seas of this house of ours. I write poems that leave my soul if anything can be worth it because they are lived and felt poems.
Paula Cortes is a poet with a degree in Clinical Psychology (ISPA) and a Trainee existential psychotherapist Portuguese Society of Existential Psychlogy). She has been organizing and participating in several literary initiatives, and giving voice to poems in events for which she has been invited. Paula is the female voice of the Lisbon Poetry Orchestra, a multidisciplinary collective formed by a group of musicians who invite other artists to celebrate and interpret poetry in a truly unique journey to the discovery and reinvention of the spoken word. Photography and painting are spaces of freedom. And writing precedes everything. Paula has a blog where she writes about poetry and psychology.
Gisela Casimiro (Guinea-Bissau, 1984) is a portuguese writer and artist, with a degree in Portuguese and English Studies. She is the author of Erosão (poetry, Urutau, 2018) and a contributor for Hoje Macau, BUALA, Estrela Decadente and Contemporânea. Her photographic essay “Museu Pessoal” was part of collective showcases curated by DJASS (2018) and the Portuguese Anthropological Association (2019). In 2020 she was commissioned by Ana Cristina Cachola under the project “quéréla” to create a visual poetry exhibition, »O que perdi em estômago, ganhei em coração«, held at O Armário.
José Anjos is a Lisbon born poet and musician that went to law school. He published three poetry books, all by Abysmo (publisher) and takes part in various projects as a drummer (não simão), guitar player (Fabricantes de Pegadas e Goraz Voraz) and spokenword artist (Lisbon Poetry Orchestra, No Precipício era o Verbo, Navio dos Loucos, O Gajo, Janela). He lives with a cat named Zorba.
He was born in Vigo (Spain) in July 1976. Poet, therapist and cultural activist. His writing is influenced by Cortazar, León Felipe, Ginsberg or Kavafis. His thought by Herman Hesse, Kundera, Fromm or Nietzsche. His rhythm by The Doors, Massive Attack, Coltrane or Gil Scott-Heron. He practice poetry reading, action`poetry, performance and spoken word, with or without music. In addition to many recitals and open mics, he organizes the Kerouac Festival of poetry and performance, in Vigo since 2010, in New York since 2016 and in Mexico City since 2019. In 2015 he published "Las Partículas Brillantes", his first printed poems book, designed by visual artist Vanesa Álvarez. In 2016 he presented his book at Bowery Poetry Club -the only Spanish poet to do so- and at Cervantes Institute New York. In 2017 he released the album "Isla Futura"; with the band Pólvora, where he mixes spoken word and electronic music. In 2018 he presented the project "Lorca 2018"; at La Nacional, with guitarist Aldo Pérez, an updated review of "Poeta en Nueva York". In 2018 he published "La Nueva Sensibilidad", a poetic manifesto about the meaning of poetry in our days, written in a artistic residence in Madrid sponsored by Me Melia. In 2019 it is included in "Luna and Panorama sobre los rascacielos";, the anthology of Spanish poets in New York edited by the Spanish Consulate and Arts & Culture New York.
Web: particulasbrillantes.bandcamp.com / polvora.bandcamp.com
Mostra de Artes da Palavra and A Palavra

International, multidisciplinary and participatory festival, with shows and events of different typologies, but always with POETRY and WORD as thematic axes.
It intends to have a very contemporary view on the crossings of the word with other artistic disciplines.
Program areas that include: Spoken Word (music and poetry), Singers, Performance Poetics (Poetry Slam, Declamation, Rap and Hip-Hop), Staged Readings, Theater Performances, Dance, Cinema (Video), Independent Edition Fair, complemented by a set of Debates, Conversations, Conferences and Workshops among other initiatives. It is intended participation of local cultural associations and the general population in some activities structuring of the project.
"A PALAVRA" Associação cultural
"A Palavra" is a non-profit cultural association dedicated to the promotion, production and edition of cultural products related to the Word in all its artistic dimensions, always with the aim of strengthening and dynamizing culture in Portugal.