Jon Cho-Polizzi
- United States of America -
Originally from Northern California, Jon Cho-Polizzi is Assistant Professor of German at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He received his PhD in German and Medieval Studies from UC Berkeley after studying Literature, History, and Translation in Santa Cruz and Heidelberg. Jon's literary translations focus on the polyphony of contemporary German-language literature, and his recent book-length publications include translations of Fatma Aydemir's Dschinns (Djinns), Sharon Dodua Otoo's Adas Raum (Ada's Realm / Ada's Room), and Max Czollek's Desintegriert Euch! (De-Integrate: A Jewish Survival Guide for the 21st Century). His poetry translations have been featured in numerous anthologies, exhibitions, and journals.
Translated by Jon Cho-Polizzi
To the Last Dodo / An den letzten Dodo
The Labrador Duck / Die Labradorente
The Thylacine / Der Beutelwolf
The Passenger Pigeons / Die Wandertauben
American Airlines Flight 275 / American-Airlines-Flug 275
The Steller’s Sea Cow / Die Stellersche Seekuh
To a Dwarf Elephant on Malta / An einen Zwergelefanten auf Malta
An eine Bonin-Erddrossel in einer Schachtel in einer Schublade im Sammlungsraum des Senckenberg Naturmuseums in Frankfurt / To a Bonin Thrush in a Box in a Drawer in the Collections of the Senckenberg Natural History Museum in Frankfurt
To the Xerces Blue / An den Xerces-Bläuling
The Golden Toads / Die Goldkröten
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inglourious poets / inglourious poets
rules of the fist / faustregeln
istanbul in march / istanbul im märz
daniel in the furnace / daniel im feuerofen
skim across the paper, the blooming air / fahre über das papier, die blühende luft
off the coast of laconia / vor der küste lakoniens
this is not a confessional poem / dies ist kein konfessionelles gedicht
questions for edward snowden / fragen an edward snowden
and thus came Magdalina / und also kam Magdalina
like on dusty fingers / wie an Fingern verstaubt
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don’t look at the ground, just only look at me / blick nicht an den Grund, blick doch einfach nur zu mir
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like warm mines like warm water / wie warme Gruben wie Warmwasser
requiem for a dream / Requiem für einen Traum
Blanche / Blanche
I’d like to sleep in your absence / in deiner Abwesenheit möchte ich schlafen
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