Elżbieta Wójcik-Leese
Elżbieta Wójcik-Leese writes with/in English, Polish and Danish. Her multilingual texts have appeared in Wretched Strangers: Borders, Movement, Homes (2018), Other Countries: Contemporary Poets Rewiring History (2014), Metropoetica. Poetry and Urban Space: Women Writing Cities (2013) and such journals as Cordite Poetry Review, Envoi, Island Review,Long Poem Magazine, Modern Poetry in Translation, Projectionist’s Playground, Shearsman and Tears in the Fence. Her English translations of contemporary Polish poetry have featured in various anthologies, journals, and on the London Underground. Nothing More (Arc, 2013), which samples Krystyna Miłobędzka, was shortlisted for the 2015 Popescu European Poetry Translation Prize. Cognitive Poetic Readings in Elizabeth Bishop: Portrait of a Mind Thinking (2010) is based on her research as a Fulbright scholar at the Elizabeth Bishop archives. She co-curates ‘Transreading’ courses on translated, multilingual and transnational poetries for the Poetry School in London. She lives in Copenhagen.
Translated by Elżbieta Wójcik-Leese
close-up: violet / zbliżenie: fiolet
close-up: taste / zbliżenie: smak
close-up: water / zbliżenie: woda
close-up: skin / zbliżenie: skóra
close-up: fire I / zbliżenie: ogień I
close-up: animal / zbliżenie: zwierzę
close-up: stone / zbliżenie: kamień
close-up: heart / zbliżenie: serce
close-up: damp / zbliżenie: wilgoć
close-up: glow / zbliżenie: łuna
close-up: meat / zbliżenie: mięso
close-up: current / zbliżenie: nurt
close-up: muscles / zbliżenie: mięśnie
close-up: ritual / zbliżenie: rytuał
close-up: procession / zbliżenie: pochód
close-up: words / zbliżenie: słowa
close-up: trek / zbliżenie: wędrówka
close-up: ceremony / zbliżenie: ceremonia
close-up: sickness / zbliżenie: choroba
close-up: ligol / zbliżenie: ligol
close-up: december / zbliżenie: grudzień
close-up: fire II / zbliżenie: ogień II
close-up: dreams / zbliżenie: sny
morning: work in blood / poranek: praca we krwi
early spring: test flight / przedwiośnie: pierwszy oblot
swarming: structure of the moves / rójka: struktura ruchów
mother of god: plaster glue / matka boska: gipsowy klej
may: fire I / maj: ogień I
may: fire II / maj: ogień II
may: varroosis / maj: warroza
july: honey harvest / lipiec: miodobranie
july: blaze / lipiec: łuna