Michele Hutchison
- The Netherlands -
From Dutch to English
SHADOW PELOTON, anthology of Utrecht poems for the Tour de France, Magonia, 2015
Wij kijken zo in het heelal, Lans Stroeve (Anthology)
De tijd, Martijn Benders (poet)
Lilith by Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer (Poetry International Web)
Onze afwezigheid by Mark Boog (Poetry International Web)
De bascule by HH ter Balkt (PI festival)
Zijnstra B.V. by Hester Knibbe (Dutch Heights)
4 poems by Marco Nijmeijer (PI festival)
6 poems by Peter Swanborn (Podium)
10 poems by Judith Herzberg (De Harmonie)
11 poems by Onno Kosters (Citybooks, Graz)
2 poems by Maria Barnas (Eenzame Uitvaart, Zepper Films)
1 poem by Judith Herzberg (De Harmonie)
I poem by HH ter Balkt (Poetry International)
I poem by Ida Gerhardt (Poetry International)
4 poems by Iris Brunia (De Harmonie)
1 poem by Bianca de Boer (poet)
4 poems by Maria Barnas (poet)
10 poems by Alfred Schaffer (Poetry International)
4 poems by Hannah van Wieringa (De Harmonie)
1 poem by Alfred Schaffer (anthology)
2 poems by Harriet Laurey (Gemeente Brabant)
1 poem by Michiel Borstlap (Michiel Borstlap)
1 poem by Mischa Andriessen (poet)
6 poems by Tsead Bruinja (poet)
1 poem by Sasja Janssen (Querido)
1 poem by Bianca Boer (Het Nieuwe Instituut)
6 poems by Miek Zwamborn (GEM, Den Haag)
10 poems by Els Moors (Poetry International)
13 poems by various poets (Gemeente Utrecht, Tour de France)
1 poem by Martijn Adelmund (Gemeente Wageningen)
4 poems by Martijn Adelmund (Poezie calendar)
2 poems by Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer (Poetry International)
2 poems by Janneke Spoelstra (Poetic Potatoes)
1 poem by Geart Tigchelaar (Poetic Potatoes)
1 poem by Baukje Wytsma (Poetic Potatoes)
2 poems by Dennis Gaens (Read My World festival)
2 poems by Miek Zwamborn (poet)
2 poems by Maartje Smits (Poetry International)
6 poems by Hannah van Binsbergen (Poetry Internation)
3 poems by Charlotte van den Broeck (Querido)
2 poems by Charlotte van den Broeck (Versopolis)
1 poem by Ignace Schretlen (poet)
1 poem by Miek Zwamborn, (EYE)
1 poem by Onno Kosters (Het Literatuurhuis)
6 poems by Alfred Schaffer (High Window & Loch Raven Review)
From French to English
Songs (together with David Colmer): Comme d’habitude, La montagne, Göttingen for Donald Hawkins
12 poems by K.S. Kamanda
Translated by Michele Hutchison
tongue / tong
nose / neus
flood / oeverloos
genesis / in den beginne
كحل أوبيض / كحل أوبيض
tipping point / kantelpunt
profile upon arrival / profielschets bij aankomst
even before you’ve got here / nog voordat je er bent
turn tackling loneliness into a project / maak van de aanpak van eenzaamheid een project
advice from my best friend who is also damaged / advies van mijn beste vriendin die ook beschadigd is
a floating house / een huis dat zweeft
find us here / vind ons hier
freedom is / vrijheid is