Milosz Biedrzycki

- Poland -

Author of several books of poetry in Polish, translates poetry from Slovenian and English into Polish.

Index of translated works:

From Slovenian:
Tomaž Šalamun, Jabłoń, Kraków 2004 (selected poems)
Tomaž Šalamun, Pora roku, Mikołów 2013 (orig. Letni čas, integral book of poetry)
Meta Kušar, Lublana, Mikołów 2013 (orig. Ljubljana, integral book of poetry, co-translated with Katarina Šalamun Biedrzycka)
Uroš Zupan, Niespieszna żegluga, Mikołów 2015 (selected poems, co-translated with Katarina Šalamun Biedrzycka)
From English:
Jorie Graham, Prześwity, Wrocław 2013 (selected poems, co-translated with Ewa Chruściel)