Dialogues of Sound
Introduction by Matthias Göritz
Festival of Hope 2
Feb 24, 2021 04:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Haejin (Hezin) An is a multimedia artist creating works informed by her identities as a Korean, woman, feminist, and Gen Z. She writes poems about fictional narratives, artist personas, and her personal experiences as a Korean woman.
Sofia Angulo-Lopera is currently working on her first collection, drawing from Colombian proverbs and sectioning devices to create work between prose and poetry, similar to Alejandro Zambra’s Multiple Choice. Experimental artists such as Tamino, Sevdaliza, and Thomas Azier inspire her writing process.
Trevin Corsiglia is a burgeoning writer from New York who is currently on track for a PhD in Comparative Literature at Washington University in St. Louis. His interest in mathematics and philosophy culminated in a funded summer research project on modal logic and the philosophy of language. For the summer of 2017, he was a finalist for the Wilmers Fellowship at Williams College and branched out to Berlin to study the city’s busking culture. He is now working on his first collection of stories and poems, while co-teaching a course on literature and music. Trevin lives in St. Louis, MO.
Jarea Fang is a twenty-year-old undergraduate student at Washington University studying Studio Art and Comparative Literature with a minor in writing. She is working on a personal memoir project, and is eager to experiment with music and rhythm in order to reframe her prose.
Tobias Feldmann is a PhD student in the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures and the Comparative Literature Track for International Writers at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri (USA). He writes fictional prose and poetry. Between 2011 and 2014, he edited and contributed to the self-published journal “Hochheimer Gazette” in Erfurt, Thuringia (Germany). He also published works in journals and anthologies. Two poetry collections of his premiered at the 2011 and 2015 “crescendo” music festivals of the Berlin University of the Arts (Germany). Tobias Feldmann lived and studied in Germany, France, South Korea, and the United States. He is currently working on his first novel. During the Spring semester of 2021, he is co-teaching the course “Topics in Comparative Literature: Music and Literature in the Practice of Comparative Arts” with Dr. Matthias Göritz at Washington University in St. Louis.
Jack Ferguson is a software engineer and saxophonist living in Brooklyn, NY. He studied computer science, mathematics, and music at Williams College. Near the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, he collaborated with an MIT professor on a software application that aids in distributing scarce medical resources equitably. Jack is always looking for more ways to connect with others through music.
Dakotah Jennifer is a twenty-year-old Washington University student who works in memoir and wants to examine the ways song lyrics can unlock new narratives within us. She has been published in HerStry, Across the Margin, The Pinch Journal, Protean Mag, and more. She also won Washington University's Harriet Schwenk Kluver award for the 2018-2019 year and her first chapbook, Fog, was published with Bloof Books.
Shellandrielle Jones is a senior at Washington University with a major in the Psychology-Neuroscience-Philosophy program and a minor in Writing. As a Nemerov Scholar, she has always had a passion for the craft of fiction and aspires to expand and enrich her current repertoire.
Josh Valeri is a junior at WashU majoring in environmental biology and comparative arts. He is an aspiring musician and songwriter from Buffalo, NY.
Matthias Göritz, Phd, is the author of four volumes of poetry, three novellas and three novels—including Der kurze Traum des Jakob Voss (The Short Dream of Jakob Voss), 2005, winner of the Hamburg Literature Prize, Radio Bavaria Prize, and the Mara Cassens Prize. His most recent novel is Parker (C.H. Beck, 2018). He currently teaches as Professor of the Practice in Comparative Literature at Washington University.
The International Writers Track in Comparative Literature at Washington University in St. Louis
The International Writers Track in Comparative Literature at Washington University in St. Louis
This PhD track in comparative literature aimed at international writers proceeds from the conviction that advanced study and credentials in literary studies support and enhance the intellectual and creative work of writers by complementing and informing their endeavors with comparative historical, cultural, linguistic, and theoretical frameworks. It offers highly qualified international students the opportunity to advance their careers with academic training in comparative literary studies in the United States.
“Writer” in our sense comprises fiction writers, poets, essayists, journalists, translators, screenwriters, filmmakers, and public intellectuals. As an internationally-renowned center of literary study in multiple languages and home to one of the best creative writing programs in the country, WashU offers a rich intellectual and cultural foundation for writers from all backgrounds. We recruit candidates who would benefit from pursuing such studies in a context where they can simultaneously work on their writing, make literary contacts, pursue comparative literary and theoretical studies and complete translations of their work (collaborating with fellow graduate students when appropriate). Students completing the program are not necessarily expected to pursue university teaching positions in the United States or elsewhere worldwide, although they may choose to do so; the degree is offered with the expectation that it will help them enter the world of writing and publishing beyond the academy and in their respective home countries.