Two poets, Thomas Tslapatis and Constantinos Papageorgiou, emerging poets from Greece and Cyprus respectively, participated in the ‘Versopolis Poetry Meeting, Cyprus’, that took place digitally (due to the COVID-19 epidemic) on 7th of November 2020.
Ideogramma – Cyprus

Established in 2006, Ideogramma is a non-profit cultural organisation dedicated to the promotion of literature and the use of language. It is a platform for substantial cultural exchange between Cypriot and International culture. The island is uniquely positioned on the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa and as a member of the European Union, situated on its south-eastern boundary, is offering a vehicle for increased interaction and intercultural dialogue between Europe, the Mediterranean basin and the near East. One of the main objectives is to respect and support all languages and dialects (and by association the people that speak them), because as Luis Aragon reminds us, "Literature is a serious business. It is first and foremost the face of a people”.