Schamrock - Festival of Women Poets
The Schamrock-Project presents a look at the current poetic cosmos from a women's perspective. Driven by the vision to change the world with poetry, Munich artist and cultural activist Augusta Laar started the series of Schamrock-Salons of Women Poets in 2009. In 2012 the project expanded to the first (and still only) festival for women poets worldwide. Encouraged by its great success the festival continued as a biennial. With creative anger and poetic vigour Schamrock encourages women poets to develop extraordinary ideas and new forms. The Schamrock-Festivals aims at presenting the full spectrum of poetry including synergetic co-operations with other arts forms: music, performance, fine arts, lectures and workshops. Schamrock is a member of the World Poetry Movement, working towards an international network, an important focus from the very beginning.