Sophie Reyer

Sophie (Anna) Reyer was born 1984 in Vienna. Since 2009 she is member of Graz-based literature magazine Lichtungen and head of JugendLiteraturwerkstattGraz for young people aged 14 to 19 at Literaturhaus Graz. From 2011 to 2014 she studied at ‘Kunsthochschule für Film und Medien’ in Cologne. So far she has published six books of poetry: geh dichte (EYE-Verlag 2005), binnen (miniaturen) (Leykam 2010), flug (spuren) (Edition Keiper 2012), die gezirpte zeit (Berger-Verlag 2013), skarabäen (art & science 2014) and Hörstück baumleberliebe (ö1). She was awarded Literaturförderungspreis der Stadt Graz in 2007, Manuskripte-Förderungspreis 2009, Startstipendium des bmukk 2009 and Literaturstipendium der Stadt Graz in 2013. Since 2016 she has a PhD in Philosophy. Sophie Reyer has published three novels – vertrocknete vögel (Leykam), baby blue eyes (Ritter) and Insektizid (Leykam 2014) – and three books of prose marias. ein nekrolog (Ritter, Klagenfurt 2013), Die Erfahrung (SuKulTur 2013) and Holzzeitstag (Taschenspiel 2014). She has also written various theatre plays, i.e. baumleberliebe (S. Fischer-Verlag 2012) and Anna und der Wulian (first performance 2014 at Badische Landesbühne). She is a protagonist in many fields of literary expression – and what seems to be so easy and so playful in her writing, is not only the high art of writing – based on an impressive range of know-how, knowledge and education – it is at the same the high art of pretending to be that easy. Comparable to the delicate act on the balancing beam, where – always provided the absolute bravura thanks to hard training – the laws of gravity lose validity in the eyes of the spectator.


More about the poet on this link.