The spike of success is tight
so that tightness pounds in the drain
I see wavelets shrivelled with pleasure
after all the high tide is an
eternal raping of the coast
is glossed into a trembling of gravity
the plan itself had lost me
and the graffiti stayed in black parentheses
the drowning fears me as I smoke
a cigarette on the wall there’s no morning in the pool
and little new that must be learned
there used to be more
until the kayak waded into two-faced pebbles
a man filled with nectar doesn’t just fall apart
a cracked dried layer instead of honey
whole cities poisoned
bravo what an astoundingly fantastic turnabout
a gigantic firefly that leads people to zen
corners of the mouth glistening with syrupy juice
stick to the trail and lick it
the horns of a ram in a poncho blush if that’s something
you can picture beetles on burnt grass
a curtain has fallen on the world as at the end of a movie
we’re supposed to lay our things down
somebody will surely come and take them
meanwhile I was arrested sure
I can feel that I’m being carried but everything inside me pulses
as on a suspension bridge I know it’s steel
I’m in my temples just to get injected
the apprentices had paid to practice on me
beautiful see there’s no mark
even now I feel like somebody would like to practice with me
at least tango although it’s not for old men
I can hear dimples being created in the parquet
the joint’s line is kept back a pressure in the movement
it’s billowing for it like a scarf meticulously wrapped in a plateau
but it’s just bait
the secret planting of extremes makes people feverish
feathers stuffed in a mouth a transplanted mark on a coat
it’s known where we have been and that somebody will eventually find us
through the body the origin of a term
fermented grapes that we twirled across the hillside
fiction not punishment fiction
relics of trophies open palms
eyepieces ignite
there’s lots of things we imagine in our waking hours
including pain
the wound always grazes out of itself and reveres itself
to refrain from imagining is thus to brave the pain
as the instances of singular gradually pinch
you observe little princes in the matter
warts on building faces
come on don’t curse your king we would undress among wheels
out of a gash a bang a noise
we say member instead of dick
we say just look at the grass
that has fallen like a neatly coiffed
burn upon the macadam
thieves hung over with pleasure
and cherubs rained on houris
as if from behind the angle of the gas line
placebo the mother of effect has recognised
the crazed pony hungrily drinking from
a pool unsaddled frostbite of exhaustion
I can’t recall anything like that
at five in the morning the world
is whipped with grace and the asphalt saturated
like an artificial member infected with body parts
the fantasy limber as you pull it from the scratch
dribbling out of your mouth at snail’s pace
o noise let us into your cracks
Translated by Jernej Županič
špica uspeha tesna
da se tesnost tolče v odtoku
vidim majhne valove skrčene od užitka
konec koncev je plima to
večno posiljevanje obale
zlizana v podrhtavanje težnosti
sam načrt me je izgubil
in grafit je ostal v črnih oklepajih
utopljenost se me boji ko kadim
cigareto na zidu v bazenu ni jutra
in ni se treba naučiti veliko novega
veliko je bilo
dokler ni kajak zabredel v hinavski prod
človek napolnjen z nektarjem ne razpade kar tako
razpokana posušena plast namesto medu
cela mesta zastrupljena
bravo izjemno fantastičen preobrat
velikanska kresnička ki vodi ljudi v zen
na sled se prilepljajo in jo ližejo
svetleči kotički ust od sladkega soka
oven v ponču zardi v rogove če si lahko
to predstavljate hrošče na ožgani travi
na svet je padla zavesa kot na koncu filma
odložimo naj svoje zadeve
bo že kdo prišel in pobral
seveda so me med tem prijeli
čutim da me ponaša a v meni vse utripa
kot na visečem mostu vem da je jeklo
v sencih sem nalašč za injekcije
vajenci so plačevali da so vadili na meni
lepo glej nič se ne vidi
tudi zdaj se mi zdi da bi kdo rad povadil z mano
vsaj tango čeprav ni za starce
slišim kako se delajo male udrtine v parketu
linija sklepa se zamolči v gibanju pritisk
zanjo plapola kot šal skrbno ovit v planoto
to je samo vaba
podtikanje skrajnega ljudi obnori
perje stlačeno v usta presajeno znamenje na plašču
ve se kje smo bili in da nas bo na koncu nekdo našel
skozi telo poreklo izraza
prevreto grozdje ki smo ga sukali po pobočju
fikcija ne kazen fikcija
relikvije trofej razprte dlani
vžgejo se okularji
v budnosti si marsikaj domišljamo
tudi bolečino
rana se zmeraj iz sebe pase in se obožuje
vzdržati se domišljanja je torej vzdržati bolečino
ko ednine postopoma preščipnejo
si v tvari ogleduješ male prince
bradavice na fasadah
ne kolni vendar svojega kralja smo se slačili po kolesjih
iz raza poka hrupa
rečemo ud namesto kurac
rečemo poglej to travo
ki je zapadla kot čedno pristrižena
opeklina na makadam
tatovi pomačkani od ugodja
in na hurije so padali angelčki
kot izza nagiba plinske cevi
placebo mati učinka je razpoznala
blaznega konjička ki pije iz tolmuna
v lakoti in ni osedlan ozebline utrujenosti
nič takega nimam v spominu
svet je ob petih zjutraj
bičan z gracioznostjo in asfalt nasičen
kot umetni ud nalezen delov telesa
fantazija gibka ko jo vlečeš iz praske
po polžje ti kaplja iz ust
hrup sprejmi nas v svoje razpoke