“Las palabras atienden. Las palabras entienden. Las palabras sostienen. Y las palabras también se tienden. A lo #Tiendeverso.” (Words attend. Words understand. Words sustain. And words also tend. To the #Tiendeverso)
Tiendeverso, or 'Lines of verses', is a participatory project that combines memory, empathy, improvisation and poetry, as well as the sustainable component of recycled clothing and the contribution of generating new spaces for artistic intervention in the public space.
The photos accompanying the project are of the intervention in Roncal, a small village in the Navarrese Pyrenees. TIENDEVERSO was part of the programme of Baratxinto Fest, a project conceived by Ariadne Iribarren.
The project is part of the subtheme Literature as a tool for social equality.
Andrés Sánchez 'Andrelo'
Andrelo S, music therapist, cultural agitator and accelerator of cultural particles. In his poetic work, he has toured venues and festivals with his perfopoetry show Poesía UZI: Homenaje a Oyetu Miramipito, moved souls with his improvisation show Poesía automágica and conquered the skies with Astroesía, his show of rhymes and stars together with Carlos González, from Astronomía Cercana. Animal escénico. He is also a member of DESATADO, selected in the Artistic Residencies of La Laboral Centro de Arte de Xixón. A spoken word, poetry and electronic project, together with EzParx, both from the MidSide Noise Collective, and whose album Hilo will be released in 2024. His last published book was Mergulhar: poesía decantada en agua de mar, published by the Portuguese ColectivoBU (Porto). Director and creator of the VERSO spoken word festival in Segovia. Artivist in the D.E.M.O. project of European Alternatives. His universe: @pipasdecoco | www.pipasdecoco.com