A Virulent Hope: Choral Reading with the National Poet of Belgium Carl Norac
11 poets from across Belgium join in a choral reading of ‘A virulent hope’, the poem that Carl Norac, the National Poet of Belgium, wrote in the context of the covid-19 crisis, as a poetic encouragement to the people. He shows that poetry not only connects but also gives solace.
Carl Norac reads the poem of hope together with 10 other poets from the different regions of Belgium in the three official languages.
The 11 poets are: Charlotte Van den Broeck, Charles Ducal, David Giannoni, Gioia Kayaga, Mustafa Kör, Jean D’Amérique, Carl Norac, Jessy James LaFleur, Michaël Vandebril, Maud Vanhauwaert and Laurence Vielle.
Dutch translation: Katelijne De Vuyst
English translation: Canan Marasligil
German translation: Christina Brunnenkamp
This project was realised by Poëziecentrum (Belgium) for the Festival of Hope, an all digital poetry festival organised bij the European poetry platform Versopolis from 24th tot 30th of April 2020.
This choral reading was realised during a Zoom-meeting on 24th of April 2020.
Poëziecentrum Belgium
Poëziecentrum vzw is thé information and expertise centre for Dutch poetry and international poetry in Dutch translation. To achieve its main objectives, Poëziecentrum provides some services for the various target groups. First of all, it gathers documentation and information on historical and contemporary poetry to enhance its expertise on the field. It organises and supports poetic competitions, events, exposures and workshops Poëziecentrum publishes its own poetry magazine Poëziekrant which contains qualitative interviews, unpublished poems and contemporary topics. Poëziecentrum is also a publisher for both books of poetry, volumes, translations. It has its own shop and reception with poetry books and gadgets. Bringing good poetry to the people and support poets and their poetry are the basic lines. Poëziecentrum is the Belgian partner of Verspolis. In collaboration with Antwerp Book City it invites Verspolis poets to the Felix Poetry Festival.