The videos are about the theme: “Images, perspectives and ideas about the suburb of the future. It can be also a part of an old village contest that has to maintain a well-defined identity. The concept of old village can go separately from historical, temporal and geographic aspects”.
The Funambulist Dream by Ines von Bonhorst and Yuri Pirondi (Italy)
(2019 Hombres Videopoetry Award Winner)
Forever by Pierre Kornev (Norway)
(2019 Hombres Videopoetry Award Finalist)
Slam(Contem)Poetry Project

The project SlamContemPoetry, i cannibali della parola was born on May 2015, created and directed by the italian poet, video poet and performer Dimitri Ruggeri.
The project can rightly be considered the first and exclusive web space in Italy to deal with the spoken word poetry in an organic and well-rounded way, in particularly thanks to the interviews of slammer, performer and artists who practice spoken word poetry, spoken word and spoken music.
On 2019 from this project has been developed the Hombres Videopoetry Award, the unique italian international festival focused on the concept of "Borghi".