Dainius Gintalas

- Lithuania -

Dainius Gintalas (1973) – poet, translator, art and literary critic.
In 1995 he finished his studies of Lithuanian language and literature at Vilnius University. In 1998-2000 he studied Art History and Theory in Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts. In 2000 he had a thought of non professional painters association called “Maskoliškių meno frontas“. He is member of the art movement “Sintezija”. In 1997, he published Angis (Viper), a book of poetry, in 2007 published a second book of poetry Boa, which was awarded the Young Yotvingian Prize and the Literary Hat Prize. The third book of poetry Adatos (The Needles) became the Book of the Year in the category of poetry (2016). D. Gintalas has written librettos for several diverse genres of musical performance. As a translator, he was awarded the prize of the festival Poetry Spring for the world poetry translations (2016).

T r a n s l a t i o n s   f r o m   F r e n c h :
M. Fontana, J.-M. Maulpoix, H. Michaux, R. Char, B. Cendrars, A.Rimbaud, J.-B. Cabaud, A.Lassaque: poetry.
A. Nothomb. Alkio biografija / Biographie de la faim: novel. – Vilnius: Alma littera, 2005.
A. Nothomb. Baimė ir drebėjimas / Stupeur et tremblements: novel. – Vilnius: Alma littera, 2005.
G. Debord. Spektaklio visuomenė / La Societé du spectacle: social. – Kaunas: Kitos knygos, 2006.
G. Bataille. Dangaus žydrynė / Le bleu du ciel: novel. – Kaunas: Kitos knygos, 2007. 
B. Cendrars. Pasakojimas apie Sibiro ekspresą ir mažąją Žaną Prancūzietę / Prose du Transsibérien et de la petite Jehanne de France: poem. – Metai, 2007.
J.-B. Molière. Mizantropas / Le Misanthrope: play. – Valstybinis Jaunimo teatras, directed by A. Jankevičius “Mizantropai”, 2008.
B. Cendrars. Panama arba mano septynių dėdžių nuotykiai / Panama ou les aventures de mes sept oncles : poem. – Metai, 2009
D. Danis. Akmenų pelenai / Cendres de cailloux: play. – Nacionalinis Kauno dramos teatras, directed by A.Jankevičius, 2010
J. Genet. Gėlių Dievo Motina / Notre Dame des Fleurs: novel. – Kaunas: Kitos knygos, 2011.
H. Michaux. Toks Plunksnius / Un Certain Plume: short stories. – Metai, 2011 
V. Ravalec. Padugnės giesmė / Cantique de la racaille: novel. – Kaunas: Kitos knygos, 2012.
M. Houellebecq. Žemėlapis ir teritorija / La carte et le territoire: novel. – Kaunas: Kitos knygos, 2013.
Comte de Lautréamont. Maldororo giesmės / Les Chants de Maldoror: poetry ‒ Vilnius: Kitos knygos, 2015.
J. C. Izzo. Totalus chaosas / Total Khéops: novel. ‒ Vilnius: Lietuvos rašytojų sąjungos leidykla, 2016.
M. Houellebecq. Kovos lauko išplėtimas / Extention du domaine de la lutte: novel – Vilnius: Kitos knygos, 2016