Alexandre Bonnet-Terrile

- France -

            Alexandre Bonnet-Terrile was born on the 30thMay, 1999. He is currently a student in a Parisian preparatory class. Some of his poems have been published in such reviews as Recours au Poème n° 169, Poésie première n° 65, Lichen n° 9, Les Hommes sans épaules n° 43, Place de la Sorbonne n° 7, and L’Echarde n°2. He was invited to the 14th Biennale internationale des poètes en Val-de-Marne international poetry festival. His first collection, Les Numérotés, published in June 2018 at Le Castor Astral, was awarded the Prix Apollinaire Découverte. 

            Catherine Fromilhague, in Place de la Sorbonne, highlights the alliance of a “lyrical character” and a “strong tonal and axiological unity”, which makes us privy to a nonetheless “unstable or unsettled universe, basically strange and disturbing.” 

            Zéno Bianu hails “an incredibly rigorous and crafted writing”, a “peculiar, dancing density”, a “stocky vehemence”, a “decanted lyricism”, “a forever nostalgic map of tenderness”, “fleshy finds”, and a “melancholy concentration of three gram per liter of blood.” 

            In his foreword to LesNumérotés,Jean-Yves Reuzeau mentions a “precipitate of sensations”, “brief, white-hot, razor blade-concise” poems.