Myroslav Laiuk
- Ukraine -
Myroslav Laiukis a poet, novelist, Ph.D. He was born on 31.07.1990 in the Carpathians, now lives in Kyiv, Ukraine. In 2018 he became a teacher in Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and complied Anthology of Young Ukrainian Poetry of the III Millennium. He is an author of poetry books Thistle!, 2013 (awarded with Smoloskyp Award, Kovalevyh Fundation Prize etc.) and Metrophobia, 2015 (awarded with Litakcent Roku Award as the best poetry book of 2015). He is an author of the novel Babornia, 2016 (shortlisted for BBC Book of the Year Award, Espresso TV Award, etc.) and The world is not Created 2018. Laiuk’s works are translated into 10 languages. In 2018 Myroslav was listed at Top 30 Under 30 KyivPost Award.
calm rhytm / розміреність
trees / дерева
white / білий
red raphael / рудий рафаель
sow-thistle! / осоте!
White / Білий
Processes / Процеси
Noah / Ной
Sturdy Build / Фізична будова
Trees / Дерева
They are Coming Back and Telling Stories / Почали повертатися і розказувати
What is History / Що таке історія
Explorers do not Mistake / Першовідкривачі не помиляються
Another Planet / Інша планета
Heart and its Name / Серце і його назва