/ 16 August 2016Ars Poetica Launch of the Most Important Theoretical Book on the Poetry of the Prominent Slovak Poet – Ivan Štrpka

On the Brink of a Shell, On Poetry of Ivan is the title of the monograph by Veronika Rácová. Her book belongs to the best scientific efforts dealing with the poetical work of Ivan Štrpka (1944) – a prominent Slovak poet, text and essay writer and translator from Spanish and Portuguese who entered literature as a member of the Lonely Runners group of poets. His first book The Short Childhood of Lancers (Krátke detstvo kopijníkov, 1969) brings the reader the author’s testimony on growing up and the defiance of a young soul facing the humiliation of social reality.
The authoress of the monograph On the Brink of a Shell, On Poetry of Ivan Štrpka – Veronika Rácová allows us, according to the Slovak literary critic, Professor Ján Zambor, “to immerse in the process of discovery, helps us familiarise with the results of the study and at the same time, leaves space for the author’s openness.”
The Ars Poetica book launch and presentation photographs are available here.