The Paper Lab and ContentoDesign
Brave New Literatures Festival
The website collects Daniela Calisi's digital literature experiments some of which date back to 1999. The corpus of Web Poetries, originally in Flash, has recently been restructured with versions usable by new browsers and mobile devices thanks to Roberta Iadevaia's intervention.
The PaperLab, founded by Daniela Calisi for the Miranda association, is a laboratory of editorial experimentation working on the prototyping of writing and reading interfaces for interactive publishing through the techniques and methods of digital craftsmanship, numerical control production, motion graphics and infodesign.
The Paper Lab deals with projects associated with new, hybrid, analogue and post-digital technologies and with alternative forms of promotion to cultural marketing.
The interactive storytelling media of The Paper Lab are built with a circular economy approach inspired by the Hands on philosophy: circumvent the restrictions, disassemble the machine, discover something new.
Daniela Calisi's interactive webpoems (in Italian, the last one in English) available under the following links:
Daniela Calisi

Daniela Calisi is an Italian poet.
Professor of interactive storytelling, tech evangelist and innovation consultant.
As an artist, since 1994, she explores the possibilities of poetic text in relation to the media landscape to understand which could be the forms of literature in the world of new media, reasoning on how the interfaces of writing and reading evolve in a context characterized by interactivity, recombination, multiplicity, modularity and mutability.
Daniela has produced urban installations and performances related to new media poetry and collaborative texts.
She experiments complex textual structures that are realized in new textual objects that she names "Poetry Machines".
Each of these objects are for her a stage of an evolutionary path that translates the poetic text, from language to language and from support to support, passing recursively from digital to material and vice versa.
She created the website "The very funny page of poetry" in 1993, publishing her first set of interactive web poetries in Java, the website evolved then in the actual “” published in year 1999.
Her artistic career began in 1994 with the Dap 1 (Distributore Automatico di Poesia) followed by the urban performance Dap 2 - Attraverso (1998) and the series of environmental installations Dap 3.0 (2002)- I Cartografi, Dap 3.1 - Il narratore molteplice (2003) and Dap 3.2 Refugiàti (2004). Since 2016, her experiments have landed at Change, an interactive post-digital poetic object produced with numerical control machines. In 2017 she founded The Paper Lab, thanks to which she’s experimenting in the field of editorial reproducibility of these new formats. In 2020 she issued the Dap 1.8 a mechanical vending machine distributing a new collection of four paper interactive poems produced trough a numeric controlled flatbed cutter.