Stanislav Južnič

was born in San Francisco and obtained USA and Slovenian citizenship. That makes him equally at home on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. He finished elementary school in Beograd. During his studies, he worked at the University of Minsk in Russia, which enabled him to understand better Augustin Hallerstein’s relation with the Russian Academy and Gabriel Gruber’s work in Russia. He graduated in the Physics department of the University at Ljubljana with Robert Blinc with a work widely published in USA and Europe as the very first accurate measurement special solid state phase transitions with liquid crystals involved. He published his graduate research in incommensurability of Rubidium compositions in USA. He studied history of 18th century physics with academician Vasilij Melik at the department of history of the University of Ljubljana, got Masters' and Ph.D. in the same University. After Ph.D., he returned to his USA home where he worked in the Film Library of the Jesuit University Saint Louis, MO, and at the Science Department University of Oklahoma, researching simultaneously also at the Institute for Mathematics, Physics, and Mechanics at Ljubljana, and at the Scientific Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Published about one thousand research works (articles, books) in Chinese, and almost all European languages in China, Japan, USA, Australia, Russia and many European Countries as available on web. Frequent in almost all European languages. The contemporary research connected with Rudjer Bošković and Nikola Tesla Networks showing how Tesla's electronics emerged from the ideas of the Jesuit teachers of his teachers.